
Terrain following parametric vertical coordinates

This follows the CF conventions for Parametric Vertical Coordinates.


atmosphere_sigma_coordinate(sig, ps, ptop[, …])

Convert from sigma [0, 1] to altitude in an atmopsheric model

decode_cf_sigma(ds[, rename, errors])

Compute heights from sigma-like variable in a dataset


Parse the formula_terms attribute

get_cs(sig, thetas, thetab[, cs_type])

Get a s-coordinate stretching curve

get_sigma_terms(ds[, loc, rename])

Get sigma terms from a dataset as another dataset

ocean_s_coordinate(sig, ssh, bathy, hc, …)

Convert from s [-1, 0] to depths in an ocean model

ocean_s_coordinate_g1(sig, ssh, bathy, hc[, …])

Convert from s [-1, 0] generic form 1 to depths in an ocean model

ocean_s_coordinate_g2(sig, ssh, bathy, hc[, …])

Convert from s [-1, 0] generic form 2 to depths in an ocean model

ocean_sigma_coordinate(sig, ssh, bathy[, cache])

Convert from sigma [-1, 0] to negative depths in an ocean model

