
Low level interpolation routines accelerated with numba

The numerical inputs and outputs of all these routines are of scalar or numpy.ndarray type.


cell2relloc(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, x, y)

Compute coordinates of point relative to a curvilinear cell

cellave1d(vari, yib, yob, eshapes[, extrap, ...])

Cell average regrid.

closest2d(xxi, yyi, xo, yo)

Find indices of closest point on 2D lon/lat grid

cubic1d(vari, yi, yo, eshapes[, extrap])

Cubic interpolation of nD data along an axis with varying coordinates

extrap1d(vari, mode)

Extrapolate valid data to the top and/or bottom

grid2locs(xxi, yyi, zzi, ti, vi, xo, yo, zo, to)

Linear interpolation of gridded data to random positions

grid2relloc(xxi, yyi, xo, yo)

Compute coordinates of point relative to a curvilinear grid

grid2rellocs(xxi, yyi, xo, yo)

Compute coordinates of points relative to a curvilinear grid

hermit1d(vari, yi, yo, eshapes[, extrap, ...])

Hermitian interp.

linear1d(vari, yi, yo, eshapes[, extrap])

Linear interpolation of nD data along an axis with varying coordinates

nearest1d(vari, yi, yo, eshapes[, extrap])

Nearest interpolation of nD data along an axis with varying coordinates