
Geographic utilities


bearing(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1)

Compute the bearing angle (forward azimuth)

cdist(XA, XB[, radius])

A scipy-distance like cdist function for the haversine method

clusterize(obj, npmax[, split])

Split data into clouds of points of max size npmax

deg2m(deg[, lat, radius])

Convert to meters a zonal or meridional distance in degrees

get_distances(da0[, da1, radius, units])

Compute the haversine distance between two datasets/data arrays

get_extent(extent[, margin, square, min_extent])

Compute the geographic extent in degrees

haversine(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1[, radius])

Haversine distance between two points

m2deg(met[, lat, radius])

Convert to degrees a zonal or meridional distance in meters

pdist(X[, compact, radius])

A scipy-distance like pdist function for the haversine method


ScipyDistContext([cdist, pdist, force])

Context to switch the scipy.spatial.distance.cdist() fonction to cdist()


Supported units of distance