
xoa.geo.clusterize(obj, npmax, split=False)[source]

Split data into clouds of points of max size npmax

Input object must have valid geographic coordinates.

  • obj (xarray.DataArray, xarray.Dataset) – If a data array, it must have valid longitude and latitude coordinates.

  • npmax (int) – Maximal number of point per cluster

  • split – Return one dataset per cluster


xarray.Dataset, list of xarray.Dataset – A dataset has its longitude and latitude coordinates renamed lon and lat, and its stacked dimension renamed npts. It contains only arrays that contains the npts dimension. If a clustering was needed, the dataset contains the following arrays:


Index of the cluster points belongs to.


Indices in the original dataset.


Coordinate of the centroid(s)


Distances to the centroid that the points belongs to.

If the input is a dataset, the global attribute var_names is set to the list of data var names.